Help the Long-View Team Be in the SXSW EDU Lineup


In addition to our work with students at our micro school, we work with educators from around the nation to catalyze innovation in education. Help us spread that reach by ensuring the Long-VIew Teaching Team is part of the SXSW EDU 2020 lineup. Public voting contributes to the selection of sessions, so we ask you to help us out by casting your vote by Friday, August 23. 

Voting is easy. The conference’s PanelPicker community voting is open to anyone. It takes just a minute to create an account and “vote up.” All you have to do is enter your name, your email, choose a password, and check a box to confirm you agree with SXSW terms. Once you complete those easy steps you can vote up for all three of our sessions. Even better, take an extra moment to leave a comment so that the SXSW EDU staff is assured to choose the Long-View sessions. Thank you in advance for supporting Long-View in the SXSW EDU process!

Math's "F word": Dispelling Fraction Fear

Kevin Moore and Cathy Lewis, Co-Founders, Long-View Micro School

Research shows that a deep understanding of fractions is the gateway to higher-level math. Sadly, fractions also contribute to math anxiety for many children. Partly to blame are instructional practices tied to the industrial model of schooling that distills mathematics into discrete bits that are learned by rote memorization and standardized procedures. This session will provide participants a radically different concept-focused approach to build students’ understanding of fractions. Participants will gain knowledge of the predictive research regarding fractions, understand how relational thinking supports conceptual understanding, and experience concise lessons and examine student work that are premised on an ideas-focused approach.

When SEL Meets Math, Students Thrive

Liza Zapalac, Co-Founder, Long-View Micro School

In most schools, social/emotional learning (SEL) is tacked on as an extra program. At Long-View we attend to students’ SEL while they are learning mathematics, leading to astounding results. We have found if you align goals for SEL growth with effective classroom discourse, you can inculcate learners into the discipline and foster social-emotional competencies. This session will provide an overview of how Long-View’s teachers take this approach to re-humanize math education and assume children are capable of thinking and interacting at levels much higher than they are often given credit. Participants will understand that discourse within a classroom community with socio-mathematical norms is an important vehicle for learning mathematics and can nurture mathematical thinking and the skills needed to be responsible participants of society.

Skipping Scratch for Python With Young Learners

Eric Mann, Mathematics + Computer Science Content Leader, Long-View Micro School

Higinio ("H.O.") Maycotte, CEO, Molecula

Learners at our micro school start coding in Python in 2nd grade. Python is a language created in the spirit of making computer programming accessible to everybody. In this session you’ll see how young learners can start constructing their understanding of programming concepts—including if-statements, lists, loops, and functions—by reading, discussing, and debugging code at levels beyond what they themselves might produce. We will also show you how, taking a cue from how writing instruction occurs, to use code as “mentor text” for introducing coding concepts and computational thinking. Finally, see how young learners engage in group deliberation and collaboration in ways authentic to the discipline of software development.

With your votes and comments you can help us become part of a conference and festival which cultivates and empowers stakeholders to advance teaching and learning. You can help us with our work of catalyzing innovation in education. Please cast your vote through SXSW PanelPicker for each of our three sessions by August 23. 

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