Posts tagged the number lab
Long-View Teachers Travel to North Carolina to Support School District's Math Teachers

One of the interesting things about Long-View Micro School is the financial model. Our financial model stands apart from the financial models of most independent schools in which tuition is set to cover about 90% of costs, and then funds are raised to manage the “gap.” In the typical independent school, dollars are raised from within the parent community through the annual fund and a gala or other social event. For the most part, it is expected that parents contribute to both of these events, and thus the true cost of attending the schools exceeds tuition. The annual fund and the gala occur during the fiscal year and thus there is significant pressure to raise funds from these events because the budget assumes these dollars will be procured. The dollars must come in lest the school end up in a difficult situation by Q3 or Q4.

At Long-View, we do not depend on fundraising to fund the gap between tuition and operating costs, and the gap is strategically tighter than in most schools….

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Field Study Days: Visiting Educators in Long-View Math Classrooms

Long-View supports the learning of both our amazing student population, as well as the learning of schools from across the world. Through the number lab, our joint venture that is focused on teacher education, Long-View Micro School students and faculty share in the mission of helping other teachers meet the challenge of educating children at high levels in mathematics….

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Long-View + the number lab: Our Business Model

It’s quiet at Long-View with the kids out for summer break, but it is actually a time of intense activity for our teaching team. This is the busiest part of the year for our other business venture, the number lab, which is concentrated on supporting educators and schools working to raise the level of their math instruction. Our work:

  • focuses on the task of building math instruction so as to privilege advanced conceptual mathematical understanding in order to facilitate reasoning;

  • focuses on attempts to design innovative classroom practices that bring the practice of knowing mathematics in school closer to what it means to know mathematics within the discipline.

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